Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love is whatever you want it to be

I think it's safe to say that some friendships just end. They fizzle out slowly, over time, until one day you wake up and POOF. You haven't talked to someone in months and you are completely fine with it. But what I don't understand is why some friendships last and some don't. I have had a best friend since I was ten years old and I am now 22 and we still talk every day. Even when he was in boot camp, we kept the dream alive. Given, we are complete assholes to each other, but it somehow works.
-You're a whore.
But riddle me this. Through the years I have also had a few really good female friends. And every single one of them were great friends to me for the most part, but I only still talk to a couple of them. Why are we not still hanging out and talking shit about everyone we don't like? Why am I still friends with the guy from 5th grade? Honestly, there are some things that guys just can't understand about girls. You can't obsess over a crush that you have with one of your guy friends because they will tell you to quit being gay and talk about something else. A girl friend will sit with you and diagram your crush's every text message to find the hidden meaning in it. 

^^^ This is what girl friends do. 


It's not like having guy friends gets me more boyfriends. In fact, it seems the opposite is true. My guy friends view me as a guy with long hair, and men that don't know me see me surrounded by other men and think I am either banging all of them or a lesbian. 

For the record, neither one is true. 

I suppose I should just stop bitching and be grateful that I have so many good friends. I have a couple really awesome girl friends and more than a couple super awesome guy friends. And yes, there are draw backs to being surrounded by dudes all the time... for example they are really gassy. They always somehow draw the conversation to sports. They sometimes don't know their own strength. They tend to watch a lot of porn and explain it in graphic detail. BUT. They also give awesome hugs when I have had a horrible day. They pretend to be my boyfriend to fend off creepers at the bar. They can quote any movie, any time. They immediately go into fight mode if they see me arguing with a guy. They change flat tires and wait with me while I get my oil changed. There is a lot to be said about a good guy friend. Also, my guy friends don't make a big deal out of it when I tell them they are not allowed to wear a shirt around me so I can appreciate their muscles. 

So I say, take the good with the bad and the bad with a shot because everyone needs a little variety. Love doesn't have to be romantic, it can be anything you want it to be <3.