So, chances are that you are a living, breathing, human being. If you are not, then I honestly don't think you are in the right place. I have nothing to offer you. But, as a creature of the human persuasion, you probably have a best friend. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones that has several. Maybe you are one of the unlucky ones that doesn't have any. If that is the case, I'm sorry for bringing it up. But for the sake of what I'm talking about, let's pretend that everyone has a best friend.
You hang out together, you know what the other person likes or dislikes, you wear bow ties at inappropriate times, you try to find shapes in the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling together, you relive memories of good times that you have shared together, maybe you go to the park and swing even though you are adults. I don't know what you do, but the point is, you do it together and enjoy each other's company. Your best friend makes you happy.
But what I am about to unleash on your unsuspecting eyeballs is a little known fact that is closely guarded.
Some day things are going to change.
and you have to be ok with who you are.
You have to like yourself so that when people start disappearing out of your life, you can spend time alone without going crazy. You can find happiness without the help of others, you just have to be open to the possibility. And the longer you sit there, wishing for something you can't get back, the longer you are responsible for your own unhappiness.It's sad. It's heartbreaking, and sometimes you will feel sick about it. But you can't force someone to care about you, and you shouldn't have to. People aren't always who you thought they were, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot change another person. People are who they are and it's hard to accept sometimes.
I'm going to tell you another little known fact, and you might not believe it, but I promise it's true.
You are special.
Don't let the world and people that don't give a shit try to take that away.
Read a book, go for a walk, play with your dog. Do anything but sit there and wish that things could go back to the way they were. If someone has moved on to a life that no longer includes you, do yourself a favor and move on to a life that no longer includes them. Be stronger than you thought you were, because one day you will sit down and it will be quiet. And if, for a moment, you decide to listen with your heart instead of your ears, you can feel it. Happiness has a way of sneaking up on you.
So let them leave, darling. And be whoever you want to be.
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