So I obviously want to be rich. But I don't have a lot of marketable skills that would make me rich.
- I can write. So there's that.
- I can use pretty much any Microsoft program... not that spectacular.
- I can read pretty fast.
- I can drive. That's a biggie.
- I can make people laugh, but that's not gonna get me rich. Why would you even bring that up?
- I can operate calculators and/or cash registers. But billionaires don't use those things.
- I am pretty good at accents. Specifically Irish etc. Possible fame kick starter?
- I am REALLY good at not finishing things... But that seems counterproductive for this list.
In short, I'm doomed to lead a mediocre life with only the hope of making minimum wage unless I somehow develop some awesome skills, which I don't see happening. The best idea I've ever had is to start a place in town where people can come take naps on their lunch breaks if they don't want to drive all the way home. (<-- WHICH IS PRETTY DAMN SPECTACULAR BECAUSE I WOULD SLEEP THE SHIT OUT OF THAT PLACE! Just sayin.)
But, perhaps my worry is premature. Perhaps I will just be a gypsy for a while. Move from job to job with no real aspiration to move up or become a permanent fixture of the workplace. Right now I don't have much to lose. I have a dog, but she will eat pretty much anything, so she can just wander with me. I could learn how to play a musical instrument, perhaps. I could stand on street corners and serenade work folk on their way to their jobs that make them want to jump off bridges and not survive. Maybe make their day a bit brighter. Or I could just stand on the corner telling jokes, acting out skits, etc. Like a one woman show that is filled with all kinds of shenanigans! I'm off topic, and I'm not ever actually going to do any of this nonsense. Quit being so judgmental.
My beef (yes, I did just use the term beef to describe a problem, get over it) is with the American populace in general. From day one, they feed us this nonsense about, "You can be whatever you want! You can change the world." Um, nope. I mean sure, there are a few children that grow up and actually make something of themselves and change the world and more power to em, but the majority of us were the ones catching grasshoppers on the playground not giving a shit about anything. And you know what? That attitude stays with you your whole life. The majority of us will not be the ones that change the world, we will be the ones that work meaningless jobs to make ends meet and we will hate every single second of it. And that's fine. The country needs that to survive. BUT STOP TELLING EVERY SINGLE CHILD THAT THEY ARE GOING TO BE AN ASTRONAUT WHEN IN REALITY THEY ARE GOING TO BE A TELEMARKETER! It's rude and when they finally realize for themselves that they are not going to be a rock star, it is heartbreaking and they feel like a failure, when in fact, they had a very slim margin for success in the first place. It's not failure if you never had a chance!
But, that's the great thing about America. A few get through and give us regular folk a weird, misguided hope that we can do the same. And that keeps people going, thinking that one day they are going to get rich and tell everyone that ever made them miserable to suck it while driving away in their Porsche. Who doesn't want that?
In conclusion, I want to be rich and buy whatever I want. Or I want to be poor and not give a shit instead of worrying about money all the time. Which I think is more likely, because, let's be honest. I was one of the kids catching grasshoppers on the playground.
Hero Status ^^^^
I don't know where to begin with you.
ReplyDeleteFirst off lady, with a negative attitude like that how do you expect to become successful? Words are very, very powerful. You speak into existence whatever you say, and whenever you say, I can't, it's impossible, or to quote you, “It’s not failure if you never had a chance!” you’re training yourself to believe it & make it your reality. You subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful than your conscious mind & whatever you tell it, it will believe. I think this is your greatest limiting factor, your mindset. Once you change the way you think you can and will achieve success, but only if you really want it. You see your right not everybody can become successful not because they don't have a chance at it, every single person on this planet has the same exact equal shot at it no matter your circumstances, but because nobody ever showed them or taught them how to become successful. Only a few have a drive inside of them a desire to achieve great things, most people just talk and only a few actually take action. The reason your not successful is that you prob. haven’t tried to become successful. I can go on & on forever but the bottom line is this. Your previous doubt or excuses cannot occupy the same space in your life as your new successful-thinking. A successful person puts in the work, educates themselves, prepares– and seizes an opportunity when it comes their way.